Alcoholism is a disease characterized by dependence on alcohol. On the contrary, it consists of two main components: mental and physical, so before answering the question "How to stop drinking alcohol on your own? ", it is important to consider the causes and weaknesses. factor in forming addiction.
Causes of drinking too much alcohol
- Genetic factors.Despite the fact that it exists, studies of alcoholism demonstrate the following statistics: the risk of developing alcoholism in children of alcoholic parents increases on average by a quarter. This allows us to confirm that the main role in the formation of the disease is played by social and psychological factors, and at the same time genetics acts as a favorable "foundation" that promotes the progression of alcoholism. development.
- Social factorsrepresents a group of reasons and life circumstances that stimulate a person to drink alcohol.
- pressure from others - in this case, a person begins to drink "socially" in order not to be different from the rest of the group, to maintain traditions or better integrate into the group, etc. v. ;
- unsatisfactory or complicated professional activity - having a lot of time, boredom, incorrectly chosen work that does not suit personal needs and interests, as well as a profession that causes excessive stressphysically and mentally, high risk and responsibility;
- unsatisfactory quality of life - unfavorable living conditions or unpleasant residential areas, financial difficulties, poor nutrition, lack of stable income.
- Psychological reasonsBasically, they demonstrate a lack of ability to adapt to life's realities, a lack of confidence in oneself and one's strengths. They mainly include the following elements:
- demonstrative behavior - intentionally attracting the attention of the public or a narrow group of people;
- lack of trusting relationships and opportunities to speak up about "painful issues";
- internal conflicts with the image of the Ideal Self - low self-esteem, self-recrimination and self-blame;
- inability to perceive oneself - lack of family, difficult relationship with parents ("I'm a bad child", etc. );
- drinking alcohol as a way to remove psychological "barriers" - timidity, shyness, anxiety;
- fear, phobia, increased anxiety, doubt;
- the need to relieve stress, the inability to overcome stress and psycho-emotional stress on one's own.
So, the list of factors is quite extensive, and before you start looking for answers on how to quit drinking, you should understand what can make you addicted to alcohol. However, not every drinker is ready to analyze the nature of the problem and determine the causes of addiction, moreover, during the existence of alcohol, there have been many myths that "justify" the addiction. Craving for bottles is harmful. The main ones are presented below.
Misconceptions about alcohol
Alcohol is the most powerful assistant in the fight against disease
This is a common misconception regarding many diseases and conditions of the body. It is believed that a glass of wine can help fight colds and hypothermia, "disinfect" the intestines, relieve headaches and lower blood pressure. Moderate alcohol consumption in some sources is allowed even for pregnant women - an occasional glass of red wine is allowed to raise tone, reduce stress on the cardiovascular system and improve mood. However, even in cases where alcohol has the effect of temporarily stabilizing the condition, alcohol does not have any effect on overcoming the disease but is a poison and only makes the disease worse. It should be remembered that there is no therapeutic dose, but there is always a risk of complications and the formation of a stable addiction.
Alcohol reduces stress
In fact, drinking alcohol not only does not solve the problem, does not eliminate the source of stress, but also causes new difficulties. In addition, a person forgets how to relax on his own, regulate his mental state and loses the ability to cope with life's troubles. A damaged nervous system leads to even greater sensitivity to external factors, reduced resistance to stress, creating a vicious cycle that makes it increasingly difficult for drinkers to escape.
Alcohol is not a drug
Despite the legality of alcohol and its widespread availability, the mechanism of developing dependence on it is the same as with strong addictive substances. The only difference is the length of time that creates persistent dependence. Withdrawal syndrome is also slightly different, but occurs in both cases when the body stops receiving the usual substance. In addition, the treatment of alcohol and drug addiction also has the most similar stages: detoxification procedure, work of a narcologist, psychological and social rehabilitation.
Drinking alcohol occasionally is normal
Events such as weddings, birthdays, funerals, company parties, etc. are always accompanied by group drinking. However, they are not reasons to drink alcohol but rather excuses to justify one's weakness and inability to stand up to the masses. Traditionally, there has been no direct relationship between certain events and alcohol consumption; This connection for most people is only due to the example of authoritative adults - however, this does not mean that you need to blindly follow such "traditions" and set your own views. suitable point. examples for your child.
Drinking less alcohol is normal
The peculiarities of the culture, as mentioned above, include quite frequent alcohol consumption - countless holidays, major holidays, traditional "Friday" before the weekend. . . In the context of drinking frequency of friends, acquaintances and acquaintances. colleague, someone who seems to rarely drink alcohol. When a person gets used to alcohol, personal norms change - the person still believes that he is not an alcoholic and rarely drinks alcohol.
I drink "for courage"
Usually people drink alcohol to feel confident, decide to perform a certain action, or get to know a good person, or mentally chat with friends or acquaintances. But the joy of communication lies not in general drunkenness - in cases where an inferiority complex, a biased attitude towards oneself, lack of confidence in one's own attractiveness and strength do not allow the formation of relationships. social relations, one should deepen them. do the work yourself and don't use glasses.
So, we see that the real and imagined causes of alcoholism differ significantly, which can confuse the drinker. However, if he wants to overcome the craving for alcohol, he should adhere to the following tips and rules.
Tips on how to stop drinking alone
The first and most important advice is a strong desire to overcome alcohol cravings. However, for it to form, certain conditions must be met.
In time
Usually, the desire to give up a dangerous habit appears after a delicious "party" - a person feels so bad that he often promises not to drink anymore.
How to stop drinking if there is nothing or no one to do it? Usually, there needs to be a convincing argument in favor of a sober life.
Your health care provider
Few people who drink alcohol are aware of the harm they do to themselves - they understand that drinking alcohol is harmful, but they do not realize what exactly alcoholism causes. Perhaps documentaries, articles, books about the dangers of alcohol, as well as personal negative experiences of friends can help achieve this goal.
Caring for loved ones
It's no secret that drinking too much alcohol affects not only the addict's psychology, but also the psychological state of those around him. What is important to remember about your loved ones - parents, spouses, children - is that the closest circle often raises the question of how to persuade a loved one to stop drinking. This is a good motivation to start a sober life.
Desire to maintain social status, career, wealth
Many drinkers realize that a process of decline is beginning: the quality of work declines, efficiency declines, and soon you may lose your job. Alcohol is also an obstacle to career development.
In fact, each person can have his own motives - someone has experienced a moral shock, someone is afraid of divorcing his spouse and has clearly given an ultimatum, someone has not. I want to lose my moral character. You need to determine which areas of your life are most important and understand how alcohol affects them.
Accept change
What happens is that the main question is not "How to stop drinking? " but "What do I do when I quit drinking? ". What to do on Friday night? How to go fishing with friends or girlfriends for a "date"? What to do at weddings and birthdays? In this case, you should remember about pleasant changes - sober joy, an interesting pastime, no need to "get sick" after the party, etc. v. , and a new lifestyle will be formed naturally and easily.
Ability to relax
Learning relaxation techniques is necessary not only for those who are accustomed to drinking due to stress, but also for everyone who is determined to quit. Withdrawal symptoms, stress from life changes, pressure from others - all of these can require the ability to self-regulate in appropriate ways. This can be done with:
- meditation;
- self-massage;
- breathing exercises, etc. v.
Some people find it helpful to simply count to 10 and take a deep breath; others need deep spiritual practice and serious exercises. You need to find something that will help you.
Exercise helps you forget about everything
Physical activity not only takes up most of your time, but also contributes to improving the overall health of the body, releasing "happiness hormones", diversifying life and allowing you to feel the joy of being alert. . This can be aided by practicing yoga, running, swimming, skiing, horseback riding, etc. v.
Hobbies bring excitement in life
For a person to reach his or her potential, strong family relationships and a job you love are not enough. It's important to do something you enjoy - creativity not only promotes relaxation but also strengthens confidence and in some cases leads to success. Read books, do crafts, carve wood, write poetry or even write your own blog, which includes an article on the question "How to stop drinking? " – you need to find your potential. hide within yourself and find a way out of it.
Psychological work on yourself - advice for alcoholics
In fact, every person who drinks alcohol has a series of psychological problems: feelings of guilt, self-doubt, confusion, the inability to build trusting relationships with others, the feeling of "being left out". falling" - only a significant part of the list of characteristic feelings and states. . You need to work on this: perhaps completing a 12-Step treatment program or psychological counseling sessions will help overcome the barriers that have arisen; perhaps you can do it yourselfHowever, this point is mandatory, because eliminating the problem at its source is the key to success.
Other hangover cure methods
Traditional medicine is also helpful in treating alcoholism. It seems that folk remedies can help you quit drinking alcohol? However, there are some common methods that can reduce alcohol cravings.
How to help yourself with a decoction?
A decoction of thyme causes vomiting and an aversion to alcohol. 15 g of dry grass is mixed with 2 cups of boiling water, simmer for 10-15 minutes, then add a little boiled water until it reaches the initial volume. Drink twice a day at a ratio of 50ml/15ml vodka.
Tea is part of the treatment of alcoholism
Ivan tea is mixed with thyme in a ratio of 5: 1, mixed with boiling water and simmered for 15-20 minutes. After the tea cools to the desired temperature (it should not cause burns), a little honey is added. Should be taken when there is a desire to drink alcohol, the allowed amount is up to 5 glasses per day.
Despite the plethora of advice on how to stop drinking on your own, a small percentage of people who crave alcohol are successful. In most cases, to fully recover, it is necessary to go to a drug treatment center to receive drug treatment and then undergo psychological and social rehabilitation.